This Rising Lunker Net had plenty of brown trout mojo

IT’S an inside joke, around this place, I could tear up an anvil if Ihadn’t misplaced it first.

Glasses, keys, coffee all seem to go awry, for short times at least. But I didn’t think I’d get this Rising Lunker Net back after it slipped over the side in spring, in Rim Shoals.

I searched a little for it at the time, but Iwas resigned to the loss, of not only a daily use tool but one with some big brown trout mojo being put to work on a 28.5″ and a 29″ last winter. Plus it has my name laser etched on it.

Last week it returned courtesy of fellow guide Jonce Trimble who scooped up the net recently. He was kind enough to call the shop and bring it on in. Huge thanks mate.

Home again

My Lunker travelled a couple of miles and several bends downstream, and it’s still in useable condition after more than 6 months of high flows.

The anodizing on one side is worn down after being gravel blasted but the other sde looks pretty new. As I recall the net was due for replacement after a tough year’s service.

A bit of a cleanup and the Rising will be back in service, though the Rising net I replaced it with looks pretty awesome in photos too.


The new version, pick your color. They are all Dally-proof

Look over the Rising Dally-proof Nets here